Various misspellings of the esteemed beast's name include:
- Melotron
- Melatron
- Meletron
- Melotrone
- Melatrone
- Meliotron
- Mellatron
- Melletron (Thanks, Mike Scott...)
- Mellodron
- Mellotrone
- Mellotrane
- Melletrone
- Mellontron
- Mellotrom (1st Rainbow LP - hang your head in shame...)
- Meloton (cheers, Cliff...)
- Mellitron
And on the Chamberlin front...:
- Chamberlain: this is actually more common than the correct spelling...
- Chamberline
- Chamberlein
And finally, one from the land of the Novatron:
No Birotron misspellings yet. Beggars belief really, doesn't it?